
blood donor

>CMU vs. WMU Blood Drive

>Blood Drive Triptych

Top Left: Donor Specialist Jennifer Hall inserts a tube to collect blood from Lake Odessa senior and Wheeler Hall Resident Assistant Britney Orszula on Thursday during CMU vs. Western Michigan University Blood Drive in Kulhavi Hall.

Bottom Left: Donor Specialist Jennifer Hall bandages up Lake Odessa senior and Wheeler Hall Resident Assistant Britney Orszula’s arm after she donated blood during the CMU vs. Western Michigan University Blood Drive on Thursday in Kulhavi Hall.

Right: Lake Odessa senior and Wheeler Hall Resident Assistant Britney Orszula watches as Donor Specialist Jennifer Hall collects her blood during the CMU vs. Western Michigan University Blood Drive on Thursday in Kulhavi Hall.

Blood Drive Candid

Lake Odessa senior Britney Orszula, a Resident Assistant in Wheeler Hall, laughs while donating blood during the CMU vs. Western Michigan University Blood Drive on Thursday in Kulhavi Hall.


The vertical didn’t work as well as I wanted it to, but I couldn’t any closer either, due to Libby shooting wide, and where I was allowed to shoot.

As shot for CM-Life.