

>Hat Lady





>The Great Feature Hunt Part II

>The Walker…I think it would be cool to go back and shoot more of this guy.




>The Great Feature Hunt

>So to speak. Here’s some stuff from today. Part I.



>Auto Shop Feature



>Learning style.

>Learning style is a learning curve. Quit over-thinking things and try them out. Maybe they work, maybe they don’t…Who knows. Gotta try it to find out. Yoda style, I suppose. So that’s what I’m doing. Couple features shot differently in between beard portrait shoots. It’s all a learning process.





>While recently I’ve been… Part II

>Taking pictures. Here’s some.

Special Olympics.

Dance practice.

Debate team. They talk fast.

Funny ski feech.

>Film Adventures

>I went on a feature hunting drive (the final destination to pick up my car from home) with Jake the other day, and I decided to shoot only film. So I packed up a couple rolls, grabbed my 28mm and 135mm, and hopped in the car. I ended up shooting about 2.5 rolls (first roll was already half used) on the trip. Unfortunately, my camera made the dick move of not rewinding a roll properly, so that roll got wrecked…Which sucked cause I thought I had a pretty nice frame on it. Anyway, here’s a collage from an abandoned house we stopped at.


And from a frame from Uncle John’s Cider Mill.


>Those two football feature-y photos I shot forever ago

>And only now post.

As he bows his head kneeling on the 20-yard line, junior wide receiver Cedric Fraser cries while sophomore offensive lineman Mike Repovz comforts him after a pass intended for him was intercepted in the last three seconds of the game, resulting in CMU’s 27-20 homecoming loss to Miami (Ohio) on Saturday at Kelly/Shorts Stadium. The game was tied 20-20 until CMU’s defense gave up a 71-yard-pass for a touchdown with 19 seconds left in the fourth quarter.

In an attempt to rally the crowd during the final minutes of the fourth quarter against Miami (Ohio), senior defensive back Bobby Seay, left, and senior wide receiver Kito Poblah turn toward the stands and shout and pump their fists in the air Saturday afternoon at Kelly/Shorts Stadium. Seay, who came into the game banged up, recorded four tackles, playing only the first half, while Poblah recorded four catches for 72 yards.

>First Midland Assignment: FaithAnn Sawick

>I got my first assignment for The Midland Daily News on Saturday–needless to say I was pretty excited. I went to the office and picked up the camera, talked with Ryan Wood real quick, and then left to go shoot. I was a wee bit nervous, but all that disappeared when I met FaithAnn Sawick.

FaithAnn Sawick

(SEAN PROCTOR | for the Daily News)

Wheelchair Tennis 1

7-year-old FaithAnn Sawick practices keeping her eye on the ball while learning how to play tennis at the Midland Community Tennis Center on Saturday afternoon, April 10. Sawick, who was born with Spina bifida, came with her parents and older sister to take part in the Wheelchair Tennis Program, a new program gearing to kick off in the fall, funded by the money awarded to Midland for being named Tennis Town, USA by the U.S. Tennis Association.

Wheelchair Tennis 3

7-year-old FaithAnn Sawick laughs as 10-year-old Nicky Billovits looks back to see how far FaithAnn hit the foam tennis ball on Saturday afternoon, April 10, at the Midland Community Tennis Center. Sawick was born with Spina bifida, a developmental birth defect caused by the incomplete closure of the embryonic neural tubes, causing some vertebrae to not fully form and remain unfused.

Wheelchair Tennis 2

7-year-old FaithAnn Sawick beams while Susie Staloch, a teaching professional at the Midland Community Tennis Center, congratulates her after hitting a foam tennis ball back into the cart where the balls are held, on Saturday afternoon, April 10. “That’s 10 points!” Staloch told FaithAnn.

Wheelchair Tennis 4

7-year-old FaithAnn Sawick makes a face while she waits for a tennis ball to be thrown her way so she can hit it back on Saturday afternoon, April 10, at the Midland Community Tennis Center. Sawick originally came to attend the Wheelchair Tennis Program, but her parents decided to take her over the kids section to play because they didn’t want her to get hurt. “FaithAnn is a joy, the happiest kid you’ll ever meet. She never complains, she’s always content.” Her father, Michael, said.

Wheelchair Tennis 4.1

FaithAnn was truly an incredible little girl. Very inspiring, seeing her laughing and playing on the court, even though she can’t even walk.