

>Some old, some random.

>Some old and random frames.

Except this one, which was this week.

Lighter and Cigarette
Summer. Coffee and cigarettes.

New headphonesVeteran's Day
Christmas. Leah with her new headphones. Fall. Jake at Island Park.

Drew and the Amp(s)
Motor City Guitar is unorganized.

Christmas slippers
Christmas slippers.

>Film Adventures

>I went on a feature hunting drive (the final destination to pick up my car from home) with Jake the other day, and I decided to shoot only film. So I packed up a couple rolls, grabbed my 28mm and 135mm, and hopped in the car. I ended up shooting about 2.5 rolls (first roll was already half used) on the trip. Unfortunately, my camera made the dick move of not rewinding a roll properly, so that roll got wrecked…Which sucked cause I thought I had a pretty nice frame on it. Anyway, here’s a collage from an abandoned house we stopped at.


And from a frame from Uncle John’s Cider Mill.


>Lazy Update II: Film Detail

>Paint Brush Triptych

Details. Details. Details.