

>MLK Day Peace Vigil

>347/365 Peace Vigil

Lake City sophomore Tim Baase listens while his fellow students speak during the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Peace Vigil, following the commUNITY March, where students marched across campus and into downtown Mount Pleasant to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

>A Break From Working

>269/365 A Break From Working

Rosebush resident Laura Swarey, 30, takes a break from cooking dinner to talk to her sister, while twins Emily and Amanda, 4, play on Oct. 31. Laura and her husband Tim, a dairy farmer, used to be members of the Amish church in their community, but left when some members of the church wanted to go in a different direction. Although they left the church, they still follow the basic ways of life they grew up with. The Swarey’s do use some modern technology, such as cell phones and modern farming equipment, but only because it is more economically and financially sound.

Shot for JRN 320, published in CM-Life on Wednesday, November 4th. Libby also had a single from her photo story published as photo of the week. Check it out.

>Photo Story single

>266/365 Moo Cow Moo

Tim Swarey, 34, of Rosebush feeds his cattle, as one of the cows tries to sneak a quick early bite. Swarey, a dairy farmer, used to be Amish, and while he doesn’t call himself Amish anymore, he and his family still hold to the basic fundamentals of that way of life. Tim uses modern farming equipment for his day to day chores, “Sometimes I miss the old days.” Swarey says.

This is a single from my first day shooting my photo story for JRN 320. I’m shooting an ex-Amish family, documenting their daily life as well as their religion. While they are ex-Amish, they still hold most of the beliefs, but they own their own vehicle, and use a computer and cell phones, which they use for business purposes almost exclusively.

I really just think the cow is hilarious in this shot.